Hugging Truth in a Masked World...

Father Over Scamdemic rips the mask off the greatest con of our time. Vladislav Sobolev, a Russian-Canadian dad, saw through the COVID hysteria and said "Nyet" to the new normal.

This isn't just a book—it's a battle cry for every father who chooses family and love over fear, and freedom over tyranny.

Father Over Scamdemic rips the mask off the greatest con of our time. Vladislav Sobolev, a Russian-Canadian dad, saw through the COVID hysteria and said "Nyet" to the new normal.

This isn't just a book—it's a battle cry for every father who chooses family and love over fear, and freedom over tyranny.

Hugging Truth in a Masked World

From the ruins of the USSR to the crosshairs of Canada's spy agency, Sobolev's journey exposes how quickly so-called "free societies" can embrace oppression. When CSIS starts investigating a dad for organizing hugs, you know the world's gone mad.

But Sobolev didn't just get angry—he got active.

HUGSoverMasks isn't just a catchy slogan, it's a movement that's got the COVID cops and government spooks working overtime. This book is your field guide to fighting back, protecting your kids, and reclaiming your rights.

Warning: This book contains high levels of truth. Side effects may include a burning desire for freedom, sudden urges to hug strangers, and an uncontrollable need to question authority. If you're looking for another dose of mainstream propaganda, look elsewhere. But if you're ready to join the ranks of fathers who stand for love in a time of fear,

Father Over Scamdemic is your wake-up call.

Some of the Topics Covered in the Book

Unique Perspective on Government Overreach

Comparing Canadian lockdowns to Soviet-era control

Recognition of erosion of freedoms in a democratic society

Public demonstrations and "hugging strangers"

Personal and legal challenges

When governments use courts to push agendas

Views on COVID-19 as a "scamdemic"

Activism and fatherhood

Strengthening resolve in face of adversity

Addressing criticisms and legal challenges

Reflections on Freedom, Responsibility, and Parenting

The role of individuals in preserving liberty

Importance of questioning authority

Teaching children to stand up for their rights

Vision for a FREE Canadian Society

Lessons for future generations

Remember, when hugs become a national security threat, the huggers become the heroes.
Are you brave enough to embrace freedom?

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